Advisory Board

Smart Forests members have expertise that spans science and technology studies, digital media, geography, political ecology, forestry, plant sciences, conservation, and computer science. Members include:

Ane Alencar, Director of Science, Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM) [Amazon Environmental Research Institute]

Louise Amoore, Professor of Political Geography and Deputy Head of the Department of Geography, Durham University

Tasso Azevedo, Coordinator MapBiomas and SEEG initiatives, Forester, former Chief of Brazilian Forest Service

Bram Büscher, Professor and Chair at the Sociology of Development and Change group, Wageningen University

Anita Say Chan, Associate Professor, School of Information Sciences and Department of Media and Cinema Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

David Coomes, Professor of Plant Sciences, Director of the Conservation Research Institute, and Head of the Forest Ecology and Conservation Group, University of Cambridge

Deborah Cowen, Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto

Ulrike Felt, Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Head of the Department of Science and Technology Studies and Head of the research platform Responsible Research and Innovation in Academic Practice, University of Vienna

Stefan Helmreich, Elting E. Morison Professor of Anthropology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Matthew Kearnes, Professor of Environment and Society, Convenor of the UNSW Environment and Society group, Environmental Humanities programme & Geographical Studies programme, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney

Sabina Leonelli, Professor of Philosophy and History of Science, and Co-Director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences, University of Exeter

Cecilia Mascolo, Professor of Mobile Systems and Head of the Mobile Systems Research Laboratory, University of Cambridge

Chris Sandbrook, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, and Director of the MPhil in Conservation Leadership, University of Cambridge

Alex Taylor, Reader in Human-Computer Interaction, School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, City, University of London

London Plane, Veteran Tree, Cambridge