Smart Forests project film

The Smart Forests project film documents ongoing research into the increasing digitalization of forest environments. Developed as part of the ERC-funded Smart Forests project, the film shows how the rise of digital technologies for forest monitoring and governance can differently enable or constrain forest-dependent communities in locations worldwide.

Covering research undertaken from 2020 onwards, it focuses on four in-depth case studies in Chile, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and India. These film segments feature Smart Forests researchers each introducing a case study, co-created with local communities through field schools and workshops.

The film also shows aspects of how we developed the Smart Forests Atlas to study forest technologies across the globe, while outlining further resources for learning more about forest technologies and supporting community-oriented practices.

You can view the 20-minute film here or on our Vimeo channel.

Following on from the film, we will soon be releasing a report on “Community-led Forest Technologies” to discuss in more depth our interim findings from this research, as well as proposals for forest technology practices and policy.

The Smart Forests project film has been created by Mind the Film, working together with on-site filmmakers, field school participants, and the Smart Forests research group. Full credits are available in the film.